Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And up sprung iced shelves from the water and sun burned brightly the horizion begging for mercy, The harsh sun fights ferociously bitting at the clouds. Ice hold fast .

Friday, February 6, 2009


I believe in the power of the visual world and how it can possibly influence and emotionally connect people more than words. I lived in Europe for over seven years and during that time I was able to visually observe and appreciate the difference and similarities of European culture and American culture. These observations helped me develop a love for photography. During my stay I traveled to many different areas in Europe such as: Turkey, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, and parts of Northern Germany. I think that my international experience helped shape my view of the world by allowing me to be artistically free with expression and viewpoints- Tristan Sajona

All of these Photos are and Have been taken by me.